A. Hopf GmbH proposes a PVC-free intravenous set

A. Hopf GmbH, a pioneer in the development of BPA-free components, now features a PVC-free IV set.
This set consists of: Regarding the various connections (since PP can be difficult to bond and requires special treatment): Do not hesitate to come back to us for more information on this PVC-free intravenous set: contact@promepla.com. About A. Hopf GmbH A. Hopf Kunststoffverarbeitung GmbH is a high-precision injection molder and mold manufacturer for medical components. Hopf products are characterized by high quality, excellence and reliability and are manufactured exclusively in Germany. Since 2022, Hopf has been part of the Promepla Group, a full-service provider and contract manufacturer for medical devices and biopharmaceutical solutions.